Soul's Self-Help Central Disclaimer

Soul's Self-Help Central is not a substitute for professional therapy. It should be considered an adjunct to professional help. Soul's Self-Help Central is not responsible for any claims made in any re-quoted material or in any original material that you may read on this site; nor is Soul's Self Help Central responsible for any material or effect of said material that you may read that is linked from this site.

I am not reponsible for anything that transpires or that you experience; in the reading of anything material on this site; or in the use of any chat room or message board associated with this site. By using them you agree to do so at your own risk.

Soul's Self Help Central's purpose is to disseminate information and to hopefully play a part in your finding your own way further along the path that is your unique healing journey.

Anything written on this site by me; Ms. A.J. Mahari, is written from my experiences in life and is my opinion only. I am not a mental health professional. I am a professional writer. Anything I write or any queries that I reply to in email are all from the standpoint of peer-support only. I sincerely hope that, if nothing else, this site will provide with you hope, lead you to search for faith, leave you knowing you are strong and show you that you are NOT alone.

Life is, indeed, a journey of growth and you, my friend, are free to fly, just as is the butterfly. Don't fear being different. Never be afraid to soar in all your splendid uniqueness.

We do not have to justify, defend, explain or protect the very unique gifts that each one of us has for surviving the scars of abusive childhoods. Sometimes when the music leaves us behind we have to re-invent the wheel and create our own life song. It is through this reinventing process that we learn to march to the beat of our own individual drummers. Make your own kind of music. Celebrate that.

© Soul's Self Help Central & Ms. A.J. Mahari 1996-2004

Last Up-dated December 7, 2003