Top 5 Soul's Thought of The Day For May 2002

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
               Volume Four - Issue #5 -#1/Make Lemonade... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Don't you just love that old cliche, "When the world hands you some lemons, make lemonade?" Well it's one that can either inspire us to take another look at our thoughts or point of view or it can be dismissed out of hand. I think it has merit. Every day can't be the day we'd wish it to be. Some days are definitely more difficult than others. Some days we find our way to actual living. Other days we must cope to merely survive. For some reason, lately, in my own experience, I have become more aware of those "well, just find a way to make lemonade" kind of reactions to the less than relaxing days I've had recently. In my case the lack of relaxing days has been due to a big increase in my workload and struggling to accomplish more while at the same time continue to find the time to process many changes that are unfolding in my life. So, making lemonade, in a search for balance, I find, is one very positive way to purposefully stay out of old past negative patterns of thought and behaviour. What making lemonade, in this metaphor, means to you is likely not the same thing that it means to others. Each one of us has to identify what our lemonade would be. Lemonade is often a compromise between that which we've known and reacted to and that which we are learning and trying to better cope with the newness of. Transition is an on-going part of life. Change often appears to hand us lemons as it first challenges us to grow. When life hands you the kind of challenge that you would define as a being a lemon, stopping right there and saying to yourself in a playful way, "I'm just going to have to make some more lemonade" can interrupt what might otherwise be a very negative, self-depreciating and devaluing pattern of thought. When the world (or any situation) has handed you lemons making lemonade is the way to quench the thirst of change.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                Volume Four - Issue #5 -#2/Define Yourself... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Others seek to define you. Bosses, teachers, therapists, parents, friends, lovers, they may all seek to one degree or another to define you. If you aren't careful and aware you may just start believing the definitions (judgments and so forth) that others place upon you. No one knows you like you do. Define yourself. Dare to be different. Be who you are. Be yourself. Integrity must be found, tapped into, defined and lived from the inside out. Only you can truly know what is in your heart, soul and mind. Define yourself.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
               Volume Four - Issue #5 -#3/Do your best... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Strive to do your best. Be kind and gentle to yourself when assessing just what you think your best is. No one is perfect. Keep realistic goals. At times it may seem easier to do less, care less, or not try to do all that you do to the very best of your ability. In the long run there is way more pain than gain in this mind-set. Be positive. Strive to do your best -- anything less is misery.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Tuesday, May 7, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
         Volume Four - Issue #5 -#4/Success Is the Best Revenge... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Strive though we might to do our best conflict is a part of life. Strive though we might to avoid it, it often appears when we least feel able to deal with it. Being assertive, setting and holding boundaries can be challenging. However, having well-expressed and practiced boundaries can eliminate a lot of needless conflict. So, perhaps no matter how well you've handled your boundaries with yourself and others you still find yourself in conflict or with difficult feelings toward someone. Perhaps you feel wronged. Sooner or later this too is a part of life that we have to live through and rise to the challenge of. It is natural to want to win. It is natural to want to be right. Often we feel that if we aren't seen to be right we aren't understood. This is not always the case. We can be understood and not agreed with. Just as we can understand others and not agree with them. This is part of give and take. When there is a breakdown in this give and take and conflict arises, often feelings get very hurt. If one cannot express that hurt, it can fester. It can build. Often then, with or without being aware, we want to "get back" at the person, group, or situation that we feel so misunderstood and wronged by. Remember though, revenge is toxic. It will only lead to more pain. Truly, the best revenge is success. Being who you are. Doing what you do best. Taking care of yourself. Celebrating your accomplishments and enduring your defeats with dignity is the success that is the best revenge. Never go out of your way to harm anyone else. The seed you plant is the seed you will sow. Success is truly the best revenge.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                 Volume Four - Issue #5 -#5/Somewhere... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Every where is somewhere. Often we have doubts about what we are doing versus what we might not be doing. It can be difficult to wonder if you are where you are supposed to be. Most people, in life, worry that they aren't going to get to where they want to go. Want to be where you are. Know that where you are is somewhere. Where you are is where you "be". Just be. Just be sometimes. Don't always be so focused on what you do. Just be. The very place that you are, right now, is somewhere. More importantly, it is your somewhere. Enjoy it. Make the most of out of it. By all means if your somewhere seems like a lemon right now -- make lemonade! Acceptance is nine-tenths of the battle. You are somewhere. You are where you are with reason and cause. Trust that.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Wednesday, May 22, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

  • Soul's Thoughts 2002