Top 6 Soul's Thought of The Day For March 2002

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
               Volume Four - Issue #3 -#2/The magic is...

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

The magic is in the acceptance of who you are regardless of what is and isn't working for you in your life right now. The magic is in grasping the growth while feeling profoundly deep grief. The magic is in the continued search for understanding. The magic is in your desire to live the very best life that you can. The magic is the dawning of new day and the spirit with which you greet it. The magic is what you make it. It is the boundless pursuit of revelation. The magic is you unfolding just as you are meant to -- because -- ....
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
            Volume Four - Issue #3 -#3/The hardest to learn... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

"The hardest to learn was the least complicated" (Indigo Girls) Why do we so often make things way harder for ourselves then we need to? Many things that are difficult or hard are truthfully not complicated. Things seem or get more complicated when we put them aside -- when we abdicate the personal power and control we have and that we owe to ourselves to take responsibility for. Too often, if we aren't careful, we end up trying to control events around us, other people, and our environment -- all the things that we really can't control. This is what makes the difficult seem impossible. This is what leaves the difficult looking so complicated. To simplify your life then, decide to take responsibility for your personal power and appropriately exercise it. Take responsibility for what you can control about yourself -- your thoughts, the way you are with others, how you treat yourself, and the actions that you take. The hardest thing to learn is surrender to that which we have no business trying to control. It is the least complicated fact in the change that so many of us need to work harder at completing as we continue to heal and seek more happiness in our lives. Taking personal responsibility, even when others around you can't, don't or won't, is the hardest thing to learn but the least complicated thing to do ... in the end.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                Volume Four - Issue #3 -#4/The edge... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

There is a place where the past pushes the here and now. There is a place where hurt and anger -- woundedness -- threatens to cloud what can be precious insightful growth. There is a place where we fight for our lives, figuratively or literally. This place is an edge. It is an edge in what will be a sharp turn when we are ready to make that turn and take that next big giant step forward. Forward into the kind of growth we've worked for. Forward to a place of self-love, self-esteem and self-respect that our shame used to keep us from. Heal the shame that binds you. Dare to figuratively and emotionally step courageously over that edge, whatever and wherever your edge may be. One of the most profound edges I've stepped over in my healing journey is the edge of negative versus positive. I have turned that corner, let go of holding and worshipping the negative to the exclusion of the positive. I have burst through the cognitively- distorted negative core belief that I was so unworthy or undeserving of the positive that all that could feel safe was the familiar negative. No more. Free yourselves also. You really can make this choice. Shame binds. Choice liberates. Accentuate the positive. Use affirmations. Believe that you will learn how to feel deserving if it doesn't quite feel real yet. You were born into innate purpose and promise. You deserve to fulfill your potential as well. You really are okay. Affirm that. Say, "I AM OKAY". No conditions, no buts, just "I AM OKAY". The edge is scary. The edge is exciting. In any healing journey there are many edges to be encountered and crossed over, let go of, surrendered, left behind and walked away from. Know that there is a place where your desire for peace will out-strip your need to re-visit past negative binding shame and all the illogical beliefs that go with it. When we accept our woundedness as part of our being human we no longer need to feel "less than" and defective. Accept that you are not, nor will you ever be perfect. Step over the edge that awaits you. Dare. Risk. Free yourself. Woundedness is not a cross to bare it is just a part of life. It is the edge that stands between the positive and the negative, the past and the here and now. Choose wisely.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                Volume Four - Issue #3 -#5/Sign Posts... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Sign posts are the calling cards of purpose. They are the beacons of the direction we need to follow in our lives and the harbingers of all that is to come. Recognizing the sign posts is the key to growth. Sign posts identified are purpose realized. Sign posts come in many different forms as we travel the highway of life. They can be people who come into or who leave our lives. Sign posts may be the acquisition of understanding and knowledge and the application of said which is wisdom. Learning to act and choose wisely requires that we are paying attention to that which seeks to teach us. Sign posts are the calling cards of purpose.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
      Volume Four - Issue #3 -#10/Alone: Solitude versus Loneliness... 
                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

"Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone." --Paul Tillich To live and to lead a healthy life it is beneficial to have alone time. Being alone is a part of life for most of us, from time to time. Whether we choose to be alone or not, there are times when we life will offer us the experience of being alone with ourselves. It is up to each one of us how we experience and perceive that aloneness. We have choices. We can feel the pain of loneliness and feel bad about ourselves and our being alone or we can feel the glory of wonderous solitude. Comfort with yourself for who you are will drastically reduce, if not eliminate, any experience of loneliness. The road that runs between loneliness and solitude is the road of recovery. The off-ramp is self-awareness. It is the key to the kind of comfort needed when one is alone to be open to the experience of solitude in all of its accompanying glory. The attitude that you have -- how you think about yourself -- when you are alone is what makes the difference as to whether you experience loneliness or solitude, pain or glory. In each case, there is stillness. A quiet time of pause. Learn to sit with this stillness. Let it relax you. Let it energize you. We do not have to busy every minute of every day to prove our worthiness. There are lessons to be learned from the pain of loneliness. There is worth in solitude and stillness. There is joy and bliss to be found in the serenity of solitude. I will seek each day, for a period of time that is workable for me, to sit with myself, by myself, to be alone, to be still. I will slowly increase my comfort with my own company. I want to know that glory of solitude. I need these welcome relaxing peaceful breaks from the hectic pace of my everyday life. I deserve to know this solitude.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Monday, March 18, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                 Volume Four - Issue #3 -#11/The box... 
                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

The box I will refer to here is the box of "conventional" or "popular" thought. For example, if you have been diagnosed with any form or aspect of mental illness your diagnosis or label will leave you being perceived as being in the box of what ever you've been diagnosed with by most professionals. The diagnosis, the label becomes a box of expectations. They file people into into boxed thoughts according to category. Much of this may well be subconscious. Both the professional and the client need to learn to think outside of the box. The client has to also learn how to behave outside of the boxed set of behavioural expectations that often go along with the perception of any given label. The good news is that when we begin to move beyond the box we can heal and free ourselves. Our lives do not have to be lived, indefinitely, to the expectation and/or definition of any diagnosis or label. Don't allow yourself to be treated like some boxed set of symptoms. Don't lose your personhood to your challenges. You are a worthy person in spite of any box that anyone can mentally stick you in. The box represents the pathologizing of humanity. It is an inhumane response to very human needs. It is the system's way of making those with certain issues or vulnerabilities "diseased" while referring to others as "normal". Neither are true. We are not "diseased" because we may be challenged. No one is "normal" really. Therefore, step out of this boxed way of thought. Free yourself. We are all individuals who experience things differently. What is "normal" for me, might not be "normal" for you and visa versa and that is OKAY. Give yourself permission today to think, be and live outside of the box. You really are free to make this choice.
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  • Soul's Thoughts 2002