Out and Proud Lesbian

You know you cant "be like that" the whole 
family said,as they continued to be who they 
really were, regardless of the fact that 
their abusive ways were hurting me, they didn't 
hide their true selves. 

It was only many years later when a friend 
said to me, Terri, YOU deserve to be happy 
also.... why keep hiding? that I decided 
Closets were for toys, and I wasnt anyones 
"toy puppet" anymore . Coming out of the 
closet was the nicest thing that I have ever 
done for myself, and although I am no longer 
considered a sister by my brothers, nor a 
daughter by my parents, I AM a Lesbian, Out 
and proud, and have learned that family does 
extend way beyond blood relation, and I have 
one of the most beautiful families in the world, 
all my rainbow friends, with all their many 
shining colors :-) Also, I have 2 wonderful 
daughters with whom I share a wonderful life. 

Being a Lesbian mother is one of the many blessings 
I've received in life, and my children think 
having a Lesbian Mom is a blessing in itself.

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