Top 5 Soul's Thought of The Day For April 2002

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
              Volume Four - Issue #4 -#1/Life and Our World... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Life is precious. It is getting more and more tenuous for more people seemingly by the day. Our world is a troubled place. Our world has always known daily trouble but not to the extent that we see it unfolding now. Hate is a divisive, dangerous, desperate and desolate act of despair that is leading people to kill. Way too much precious life is being lost. You might be nodding your head, thinking, "what can I do?" It may feel as though there is nothing that you or I can do. I don't believe that. I believe that the way that you and I can do something is by how we conduct our precious lives each day. Make a statement. Make a statement for peace. Make a statement for love and tolerance. Refuse to hate. No matter who you think is right or wrong, on the world stage, in the Middle East and so forth, pray for everybody. It is each one of us, one person at a time, one thought and one prayer at a time that can and will make a difference to the kind of hate that is rampant in our world today. Regardless of how we may feel about certain people, certain countries certain actions, one things is for darn certain, we only have one world here. We are, more than ever before, a global society. We need to care about each other. I sit in one of the most (to date -- knock wood) privileged and untouched (re violence) countries in the world, Canada. This is not lost on me as I watch with concern what is happening all over the world and particularly in the Middle East. Make your thoughts positive. Make your actions positive. Be about building up, not tearing down. Be slow to judge and quick to care. We are all a part of a very hurting human reality right now. We have only one world in which to live. Let tolerance, light, and acceptance guide each one of us as our world endures the holocaust of the terror that results from hatred. Life is precious.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                Volume Four - Issue #4 -#2/Flowing... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Flowing is going with the presentation of opportunity. It is working with the flow instead of against the flow. Water is never tired of flowing. We have good days and bad days, happy times and sad times. We need to learn to be okay with the highs and lows of life. "Resistance is futile" and assimilation is a part of most human experience. Living and functioning within the milieu without losing your self or your dreams is what going with the flow affords you. Flowing, like water, over the bumps and turns in everyday life allows to experience the kind of pain that makes that joy all that much sweeter. Flowing is going with the presentation of opportunity.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Friday, April 5, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
                    Volume Four - Issue #4 -#3/Voice... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Each person has a voice. Each voice is important. Each voice needs and deserves to be heard and respected. Like the individual drops of rain that gather together to form bodies of water, so too do our voices blend together to form the body that is humanity. Humanity is busy. Humanity is troubled. Humanity, regardless remains spirit-filled and burdened with great potential. The collective voice of humanity is drowning in a sea of apathetic narcissistic urgency. This urgency is created from the self-absorbed ways that individual people, groups and countries fail to see the stark and sobering reality of each other. The result is a squashing of voices and a growing sense of isolation and alienation. How can we expect our own voices and views to be heard and valued if we do not value the voices and views of ALL others? Voice your cares and concerns. Share your opinions. Give as much time to listening to the voice's and opinion's of others. In the sea of human difference, balance is everything. It is the listening that allows such a tremendous amount of the voiced-sound mesh in a harmonious fashion that makes us all the better for having dared to care and to shared.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
               Volume Four - Issue #4 -#4/The connection... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

There is a profound connection between hope and despair, joy and agony. We truly cannot know joy and hope without having known despair and agony. The ebb and flow of these emotions in our lives can be very chaotic at times. Accepting that life offers us both the negative and the positive means that you will have the courage and determination required to withstand the negative and the maturity to cope with, accept with Grace, and appreciate the positive. The connections are profound. The connection that we make to our authentic selves is equally as profound. Telling too, in life, is the connection that we have or fail to have with others. This connection may be very personal or more generally universal. Either way, or both ways, it is important to every human heart to be profoundly connected to the full range of emotion that is present in the reality of the human condition. The degree to which you are connected to yourself and centered within your own emotional flow is the degree to which you can make and maintain meaningful and lasting connection with others. Connect with yourself - with your pain, with your joy, with your hopes and dreams and connect to your disappointments too. Connection is the heartbeat of humanity. The connection you seek is the connection you will find, sooner or later.
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                      SOUL'S THOUGHT OF THE DAY
          Volume Four - Issue #4 -#7/Ruminating is trapping... 

                      By Ms. A.J. Mahari (aka soul)

Rumination is trapping. Life requires action. Risk is the action that we need to implement in our lives. We must make choices after we have given due thought and consideration to what it is that we want and need. Ruminating is trapping. It increases worry and doubt. Though rumination is generally defined as turning something over in your mind, "chewing on something" mentally, if you will, it takes on a much more negative meaning experientially given what it often encompasses. When one ruminates often there is such narrow focus on (often) black and white thoughts that what is thought about, at some point, becomes distorted by what is not thought about. Without the big picture, repeatedly thinking about something over and over tends to make more room for illusions, delusions, distortions and the like. It is important to learn the difference between due thought and consideration and rumination. When you are thinking about things in your life, decisions, choices and so forth, it is important to consider these in the context of the big picture of all of your experience and not only some narrow and distorted snippet (born out of past patterns in your life) of "reality". Most rumination leads to depression, self-doubt, self-recrimination, negative expectations and even isolation. It also can result in feelings of being "less than" or feeling "superior to" others. None of these outcomes will serve you well. Ruminating is trapping. It only exacerbates anxiety. Think, but don't just stop there. Take care of yourself while you mull things over. Take action as you clarify your wants and needs. Give yourself time to grow through changes and new choices but don't fail to act all together. Life is meant, after all, to be experienced and lived. It is not merely for the purpose of exercising endless thought. Free yourself from the dangers and pitfalls of rumination by making sure that you do not allow yourself to be emotionally paralyzed by too much thinking.
******************************************************************* Thought of The Day for Friday, April 19, 2002 Thought Of The Day email edition. Copyright (C) 2002 Ms. A.J. Mahari ( All rights reserved. ******************************************************************* To join STL List: ("Subscribe STL"--subject line *******************************************************************

  • Soul's Thoughts 2002